خوردگی در برج خنک کننده و کنترل آن
29/10/2024 0

Investigating the phenomenon of corrosion in the cooling tower and its control

Corrosion is one of the most important problems in the cooling tower and causes cost loss and reduced efficiency of the tower. The presence of various factors in the tower makes it easy for corrosion to occur in the cooling tower. The presence of water as an electrolyte and also the presence of metals of different types in the tower as cathode and anode provides the basis for creating a chemical cell on a large scale.

خسارات ناشی از خوردگی در صنایع و تاسیسات
08/10/2024 0

Corrosion engineering (general factors affecting damage caused by corrosion)

میزان تاثیر عوامل مختلف در خسارات ناشی از خوردگی عبارتند از : 1_ طراحی، انتخاب مواد و فرآیند 2_ فقدان دستورالعمل های لازم 3_ خطای انسانی 4_ بازرسی ضعیف 5_ چیدمان، نصب و هماهنگی ضعیف 6_ عدم پیش بینی موارد ناخواسته 7_ سایر موارد