تاثیر هیدرازین بر سلامت
18/11/2024 0

Harmful effects of hydrazine on humans

Despite the widespread industrial use of hydrazine, few documented studies have been conducted on its harmful effects in humans. Humans may be exposed to hydrazine in a variety of ways, including occupational exposure, ingestion of hydrazine-containing medications, cigarette smoking, or accidental exposure. Hydrazine is absorbed through the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract and is rapidly distributed throughout the body. Acute human poisoning has been reported to include vomiting, multiple respiratory tract lesions, central nervous system, liver, and kidney damage.

دسته بندی ضد خوردگی بر حسب ترکیب و مکانیزم
11/11/2024 0

Classification of corrosion inhibitors according to mechanism and composition

Corrosion inhibitors are substances that, when added in small amounts to a corrosive environment, slow down the rate of corrosion. In fact, an inhibitor can be considered a retarding catalyst. There are many inhibitors available with different compositions.

اکسیژن زداها جهت حذف اکسیژن در صنایع
01/08/2024 0

Oxygen scavengers

اکسیژن زدا ، اکسیژن اسکونجر ، جاذب اکسیژن ، آنتی اکسیژن یا ( oxygen scavenger ) به منظور حذف اکسیژن در صنایع گوناگون استفاده می شود. ماده اکسیژن زدا با اکسیژن محلول واکنش نشان داده و از احیا شدن اکسیژن به یون های هیدروکسید جلوگیری نموده و به این ترتیب به عنوان بازدارنده خوردگی عمل می کند.