خوردگی در چه محیط هایی رخ می دهد؟
17/11/2024 0

Corrosive environments

Metals are subject to corrosion in most chemical environments, for example, metals corrode in contact with water, moisture, acids, bases, salts, oils, gaseous substances and other chemicals. In general, minerals are more corrosive than organic substances. For example, corrosion in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries is often caused by the effects of minerals such as chlorine, sulfur, etc., rather than by organic substances such as oil, petroleum and diesel.

خوردگی در سازه های دریایی و تاسیسات بندری
12/11/2024 0

Corrosion in marine structures and port facilities

Corrosion is often not uniform along the length of a member and is usually confined to the middle or ends of the member. In the case of piles, corrosion may be severe above the waterline and mild or absent below. This area of ​​maximum corrosion is often further away from the sections of maximum anchorage and shear forces, but rebar may be uniform throughout the member.

محلول ضد خوردگی میتره و انواع ضدخوردگی
09/11/2024 0

Corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors are additives that control corrosion by altering the metal surface, the environment, or both. Their mode of action is to alter the anodic, cathodic, or both reactions. There are many corrosion inhibitors available with different compositions. Most of these materials have been discovered and refined through experimental testing, and many of them are sold under trade names and their chemical composition is kept secret.