Contact Abrizan Company
Contact information and addresses
- Address :
Fars Science and Technology Park, Arin city, Dr. Hasabi Blvd, Shiraz
Postal code : 7197687811
post box : 71955849
- Email :
- Call phones :
- Fax :
Working hours: Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 to 14:30 Iran time
- Address :
Iran, Shiraz, Malosjan Industrial Town, Block D, Plots 9 and 10
Postal code:7369143399
- Phone :
- Fax :
Working hours: Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 to 14:30 Iran time
- Address :
Tawheed Square, Golbar St(Amirlu)., Tusi St corner, No. 115, unit 6
- Phone :
- Email :
Working hours: Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 to 14:30 Iran time
- Address :
Pasdaran Boulevard, IT Tower, 2nd Floor, Unit 5
Postal code:6165759532
- Phone :
- Email :
Working hours: Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 to 14:30 Iran time
Contact information and address of the laboratory
- Address :
Shiraz, Dr. Hasabi Blvd, Arian town, Fars Science and Technology Park, Pasargad building
Management room 1137
General laboratory room 1101
Room 1104, Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Room 1106, private laboratory
- Email :
- Phone :
Working hours: Saturday to Wednesday from 8:00 to 14:30 Iran time
Contact us
Send messages (suggestions, criticisms, questions about products, order requests, product order registration, free consultation, etc.)
We will contact you as soon as possible.
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