Acid-base discalers

Causes and effects of scaling in water systems
Sediment is a sticky and continuous layer of insoluble materials in the fluid, which is formed as a result of various factors such as temperature shocks, increasing the concentration of solutes in the fluid, and nucleation on the surfaces that the fluid passes through. Water and oxygen droplets are also trapped within these hard, cohesive scales, leading to subsurface corrosion. Sediments made of carbonate, sulfate, silica, etc. (common sediments in water systems) are non-conductive and as a result prevent heat transfer and reduce the efficiency of the system to a high extent.
Reduced efficiency of heat exchangers due to fouling
In heat exchangers, heat is usually exchanged between two fluids through a metal surface. Sediment sitting on heat transfer surfaces can act as a heat insulator and lead to a decrease in ΔT. A decrease in ΔT is an indication of reduced heat transfer efficiency. Sediment clogging of heat exchangers can also cause flow pressure drop. At this time, the formed fouling must be removed. The best, safest and most efficient method of fouling removal is chemical washing.
Chemical washing to remove scale and corrosion products
It is necessary and certain to remove sediment layers and corrosion products formed on the metal surface in order to protect the equipment against corrosion intensification and increase the heat transfer efficiency (∆T) in the system in order to increase the efficiency of the system and process. In descaling by chemical washing method, different solvents are used which are usually based on organic and inorganic acids. A combination of one or more acids that contain corrosion rate-retarding compounds appropriate to the alloy of the system is used for chemical cleaning. These solutions are called descalers.
Descaler solutions produced by Abrizan Company
Descaler solutions produced by Abrizan Company are based on various acids, which are recommended according to the type of deposit and alloy of the equipment being deposited. In the following, some special descalers for mineral sediments produced by Abrizan company are introduced:
Special discaler for aluminum alloys
Special descaler for steel alloys
Special descaler for galvanized alloys, cast iron and copper
Nitric acid based descaler
Sulfamic acid based descaler
General Descalers
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