Anti-fouling and dispersant

Anti-scale and Dispersant
Increasing the concentration of soluble and insoluble compounds in water and temperature shocks in the system lead to precipitation of soluble and insoluble compounds in water. When this happens in the cooling system, the salt crystallizes on any surface that comes in contact with the water, especially the heat transfer surfaces. The formation of deposits and the reduction of heat exchange levels significantly reduce the efficiency of heat transfer and cause a sharp increase in energy supply costs. The most common precipitating compounds are phosphate, carbonate, sulfate, iron, silica, and sometimes oil and grease compounds.
Sediment control and preventing the settling of solid particles in the circulating water in the cooling system is one of the things that is discussed a lot in industrial systems, and dispersants with different bases are used to solve this problem. By creating negative and positive charges, dispersants prevent the settling of different compounds and their precipitation in the systems. As a result of the correct use of these materials in the system, the problems caused by clogging in the nozzles and deposition on the walls are controlled to a high extent.
Dispersant solutions are chemical mixtures of surface active substances that are added to the system in order to accelerate and improve the separation of particles and prevent them from aggregating with each other. There are different types of dispersants and they are selected according to the analysis of suspended particles in water and sedimentation agents in the system. Some of the dispersants produced by Abrizan Company are introduced below:
Special polymer dispersant for a wide range of depositing compounds
Acidic dispersant for a wide range of precipitating compounds
Special organic dispersant for removing and dispersing oil, grease and fats
Special polymeric dispersant for iron compounds
Special polymer dispersant for silica compounds
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