Abrizan Company, Sponsor of Almas and the 42nd Iranian Power Plant Chemistry Conference

42nd National Power Plant Chemistry Conference
Abrizan Industrial Research Company, as the top producer and supplier company in the evaluated list of national power plants, will be present at the Chemistry Conference at Tarsht Power Plant for the second consecutive year as the main sponsor of this conference.
Attending the exhibition of this event, organizing two specialized workshops on scale and corrosion control, and presenting a certificate of attendance at this workshop are among the side programs of this conference.
Location: Tehran, Tarasht Power Plant (former Alstom Electricity)
Time: 19th and 20th of November 2024
The 42nd Conference on Chemistry of Power Plants in the Country Begins
Visit of Mr. Dr. Nobakht (the esteemed chairman of the conference) and Mr. Dr.
Eskandari (the esteemed strategic head of production of the specialized thermal power
parent company) to the booths of Abrizan Company (the sponsor of the conference)
First day workshop of Abrizan Company:
Title: Increasing productivity and reducing energy consumption in power plant industries
Instructor: Ms. Dr. Mohebbi
Second Day Workshop:
Principles and Solutions for Corrosion Control in Power Plants
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Jalali
Speech by the CEO of Abrizan Company at the main event of the conference for power plant managers, as the Diamond Sponsor of the 42nd National Power Plant Chemistry Conference and presentation of new sediment removal methods
Introducing the workshop on principles and solutions for corrosion control in power plants as the conference's top workshop
Certificate of Excellence in the National Power Plant Chemistry Conference
Certificate of attendance at the conference - VIP sponsor
Statue of the 42nd National Power Plant Chemistry Conference
Conference Closing Ceremony
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