خوردگی در صنایع مختلف
27/11/2024 0

Corrosion in various industries

Corrosion is a phenomenon that occurs in most environments, so no industry can be safe from the costs of corrosion. For example, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, factories and heavy manufacturing industries (iron smelting, steelmaking, etc.), transportation, water and wastewater, are among the industries that are severely affected by this phenomenon. This section attempts to briefly examine corrosion in several important industries.

دسته بندی ضد خوردگی بر حسب ترکیب و مکانیزم
11/11/2024 0

Classification of corrosion inhibitors according to mechanism and composition

Corrosion inhibitors are substances that, when added in small amounts to a corrosive environment, slow down the rate of corrosion. In fact, an inhibitor can be considered a retarding catalyst. There are many inhibitors available with different compositions.

محلول ضد خوردگی میتره و انواع ضدخوردگی
09/11/2024 0

Corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors are additives that control corrosion by altering the metal surface, the environment, or both. Their mode of action is to alter the anodic, cathodic, or both reactions. There are many corrosion inhibitors available with different compositions. Most of these materials have been discovered and refined through experimental testing, and many of them are sold under trade names and their chemical composition is kept secret.