سیستم خنک کننده نیروگاه ها
07/12/2024 0

Power plant cooling system

Thermoelectric power plants boil water to create steam, which then turns turbines to generate electricity. The heat needed to boil the water can come from burning fuel, nuclear reactions, or the sun. As the steam passes through a turbine, it must be cooled back to water before it can be used again to generate more electricity. Colder water cools the steam more effectively, increasing the efficiency of electrical energy generation.

انواع تقسیم بندی کلی خوردگی فلزات
07/12/2024 0

Types of metal corrosion and its classification criteria

The incidence of each type of metal corrosion varies, and the importance of each type will vary across systems and environments. On the other hand, there are striking similarities in the distribution of corrosion damage across similar industries, and by comparing them, it can be seen that corrosion problems in similar industries are very similar.

مدیریت بحران در صنایع
04/12/2024 0

Crisis management and securing industries and mines

The world today has become alarmingly vulnerable to natural crises and industrial disasters and their consequences. A crisis is an event that inflicts significant human casualties and financial and environmental damage on society in a short period of time, such that addressing the effects of these events requires fundamental and extraordinary measures.

واحدهای پالایشگاه ها و پتروشیمی ها
03/12/2024 0

Process units in oil refineries and petrochemical industries

An oil refinery consists of several operating units and process units. An operating unit is a fundamental step in a process. Like the evolution of the planet, life, and technology, the oil refining industry has been developing with increasing complexity since its founding in 1859. An operating unit consists of physical and chemical processes. The main purpose of refinery units is to extract useful substances from crude oil.

مدیریت آب در پالایشگاه ها
02/12/2024 0

Water management in refineries

Feedwaters to a refinery are usually treated before being used in various processes. The type of treatment depends on the quality of the source water and its end use in the refinery. Turbidity, sediment, and hardness are examples of source water characteristics that may require treatment.

ویژگی های منعقد کننده ها
01/12/2024 0

coagulant material

The separation of fine and colloidal particles takes a long time, so chemical coagulants are used to enlarge the particles and reduce the settling time. When the coagulant is added to water, some of it is used to adjust the electrical potential of the particles, and some of it is combined with the alkalinity of the water.

برنامه صحیح مدیریت خوردگی
30/11/2024 0

Proper corrosion management

In general, it can be said that the corrosion process will never stop, but it can be controlled to a large extent by implementing a corrosion management program. In fact, by implementing corrosion management, organizations can proactively plan to improve the way they design, operate, and maintain their critical assets, thereby reducing the cost of controlling damage and unexpected failures caused by corrosion.

خوردگی در صنایع مختلف
27/11/2024 0

Corrosion in various industries

Corrosion is a phenomenon that occurs in most environments, so no industry can be safe from the costs of corrosion. For example, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, factories and heavy manufacturing industries (iron smelting, steelmaking, etc.), transportation, water and wastewater, are among the industries that are severely affected by this phenomenon. This section attempts to briefly examine corrosion in several important industries.

تاریخچه خوردگی
26/11/2024 0

History of corrosion and scientific approach to corrosion

The destructive phenomenon of corrosion has a very long history, and mankind has always dealt with the problems caused by it, but scientific approach and study in this field do not have much history. In the middle of the 18th century, the phenomenon of corrosion was noticed, but no solution was presented to solve the problems caused by it.

بخار آب و ویژگی های آن
25/11/2024 0

Water vapor and its properties

When the number of molecules leaving the water exceeds the number of molecules returning, the water begins to evaporate freely. At this point, the water reaches its boiling point, or saturation temperature, because it is saturated with thermal energy. Further increases in temperature, while keeping the pressure constant, do not cause a double temperature change, but only result in the formation of steam.

واحدهای اندازه گیری سرعت خوردگی
24/11/2024 0

Corrosion measurement units

In general, to facilitate the study of corrosion problems and to compare different metals with each other, the best method is to express the speed or rate of the corrosion reaction. Corrosion measurement units are used to express corrosion rates.

محلول رسوب بردار میتره سرد
23/11/2024 0

Cold Mitreh

Cold Mitreh, a water-soluble solution with a high dissolution rate, is introduced as a powerful scale remover and an innovative product of Abrizan Company. Cold Mitreh was developed in response to the industry's need for an alternative solution to descalers. Descalers are scale removers based on hydrochloric acid and are highly dangerous, toxic, and corrosive.

شستشوی دیگ بخار
20/11/2024 0

Boiler cleaning

Steam boilers are mainly made of carbon steels, and the internal surface of these metals that are in contact with water must be free of deposits. Deposits have a lower thermal conductivity than metals, which causes the temperature of the metal to rise on the combustion wall side. Therefore, more fuel is needed to produce steam. Therefore, there is a need to control and wash these deposits inside the steam boiler.

فرآیند برداشت آب خام پیش از تصفیه آب
19/11/2024 0

Raw water harvesting process before water treatment

Raw water intakes draw water from various specified levels in rivers, lakes, or reservoirs behind dams. In order to protect the pumps and remove large objects from the water before it enters the pumping station, strainers are usually installed in the intake structure. Aeration is a process unit that removes gases and volatile organic compounds that cause taste and odor problems in the water supply system.

تاثیر هیدرازین بر سلامت
18/11/2024 0

Harmful effects of hydrazine on humans

Despite the widespread industrial use of hydrazine, few documented studies have been conducted on its harmful effects in humans. Humans may be exposed to hydrazine in a variety of ways, including occupational exposure, ingestion of hydrazine-containing medications, cigarette smoking, or accidental exposure. Hydrazine is absorbed through the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract and is rapidly distributed throughout the body. Acute human poisoning has been reported to include vomiting, multiple respiratory tract lesions, central nervous system, liver, and kidney damage.

فناوری های گندزدایی ثانویه(فلئوراید زنی)
17/11/2024 0

Secondary disinfection technologies

Secondary disinfection provides an essential residual that prevents the regrowth of microorganisms in the distribution network. Chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide are commonly used as secondary disinfectants. However, chloramine is the most commonly used secondary disinfectant. Chloramine is not virucidal and is only slightly effective in killing Giardia cysts.