Physical and chemical descaling methods
In industries such as oil, gas and petrochemical, there is always an attempt to prevent the formation of deposits using different methods in equipment such as heat exchangers and boilers. In this field, a lot of money is spent on chemical materials and additives. But most industrial heat exchangers are exposed to sedimentation due to various reasons such as the low quality of water in different areas. These deposits are mostly formed in the pipes of the converters. In order to reduce the losses caused by sedimentation, the converter must be continuously monitored and cleaned.

Sediment formation in boilers
Boiler feed water should be free of hardness. Sometimes, due to the short or improper operation of the hardness device or the failure to regenerate the resins in time, some hardness enters the boiler feed water. Increasing the water temperature in the boiler reduces the solubility of water solutes. The water near the hot surfaces becomes saturated and the conditions for deposition of less soluble substances are provided and eventually sediment is formed.

Remove the sediment solution Mitreh
Mitreh is a superior solution for dealing with scale in various industries. Mitreh scale removal solution, a revolutionary product from Abrizan Industrial Research Company, is an efficient alternative to traditional scale removal methods. This product offers a comprehensive solution to the scale problem in various industries by overcoming the limitations of existing physical and chemical methods.

Coastal freshwater sediment removal (MED)
One of the methods of producing fresh water for industrial use is the use of multi-stage thermal desalination plants to desalinate seawater. Due to the high content of soluble and insoluble compounds in seawater and the high temperature shock in desalination packages, sedimentation in these packages is unavoidable. For this reason, periodic sediment removal from desalination plants should be performed.

Sediment and problems caused by it in facilities
When water is used as a thermal fluid, the salts and hardness in the water are separated due to the temperature shock and settle on the surfaces, forming deposits. These deposits are one of the most important factors of erosion and corrosion in heating and cooling installations.

Methods to prevent sediment formation
The most important method for preventing sediment formation is to improve the quality of water used in various industries. This method is carried out in various forms such as sedimentation, filtration, deaeration, degreasing, using the under-water rinsing method, and softening the water used.

Descaling of marine equipment
Marine equipment deposits, which are mostly calcium and magnesium, act as an insulator between the metal surface and the water and cause the metal temperature to increase, resulting in reduced engine cooling. Marine equipment descaling plays a significant role in reducing costs, including fuel consumption, equipment maintenance, washing, etc.