آنتی اسکالانت  چگونه از تشکیل رسوب جلوگیری می کند
02/02/2025 0

Introduction and application of antiscalants

Antiscalants are chemical compounds designed to prevent scale formation in water systems. By preventing scale formation on surfaces, these compounds can increase operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs in industrial water treatment, oil and gas extraction, and desalination processes.

ضرورت استفاده از آنتی اسکالانت ها
25/12/2024 0

The necessity of using anti-scalants

Almost all problems associated with the use of water for cooling purposes can be attributed to one or more impurities such as hardness salts (such as calcium and magnesium, which deposit as scale in pipes and especially on heating surfaces), silica, iron, microbiological species, oil, and dissolved gases. The scaling and corrosion problems caused by the use of naturally hard water in cooling towers during recirculation pose major economic and technical problems, including reduced system efficiency and increased frequency of chemical cleaning.

سطح کیفیت آنتی اسکالانت
25/12/2024 0

Antiscalant quality level test

The antiscalant quality level test or the test to determine the degree of inhibition of antiscalant in dispersing precipitable compounds is designed quantitatively and qualitatively based on international NACE and ASTM standards. This test shows the percentage of inhibition of precipitation of precipitating salts in the presence of the inhibitor.