Efficiency of cold mitreh solution in removing scale from open circuit cooling systems
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Mitreh MDA0102 scale remover solution in industrial water environments according to NACE standards in two environments: calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate, and to compare it with acid washing. According to this study, this solution is a non-corrosive solution, unlike the solutions used in acid washing, which greatly increase corrosion. Also, the results of couponing indicated that the presence of Mitreh vector sediment solution will prevent further corrosion by forming a thin layer on the heat transfer surface.

Effect of chlorine ions on stainless steels
The effect of chlorine and chloride parameters on the corrosion of stainless steels and the parameters affecting their corrosion rate, as well as the acceptable limits of chlorine ion levels in water and the differences in the effects of free chlorine and chloride on the corrosion of corrosion-resistant steels, are stated.

Reasons for cracks in shell/tube exchangers and how to prevent them
Analysis of the causes of cracks in the existing shell/tube exchanger and providing solutions to prevent similar incidents. The shell/tube exchanger is used to regulate the air temperature for drying granules in silos. Due to a leak in this exchanger after 5 years of operation, the tubes were separated from the shell and the tubesheet and tube areas were subjected to non-destructive inspections. It was found that many cracks had formed in the connection between the tubes and the tubesheet on the hot air inlet side, but no defects or discontinuities were observed on the air outlet side.

The effect of lithium bromide on corrosion of metals
The concentration of LiBr in solution can significantly affect the rate and severity of corrosion in metals. The concentration of lithium bromide can increase the corrosion rate, affect the pH of the solution, the formation of corrosion products, the solubility of oxygen, the effects of temperature, and also cause specific metal reactions.

Caustic corrosion
Localized corrosion caused by the concentration of caustic or alkaline salts, which usually occurs under conditions of high evaporation or heat transfer. Caustic salt or caustic soda is one of the most widely used ionic compounds and is used in various industries including water treatment, cardboard and paper production, oil and refinery industries, aluminum production industries, food industries, alcohol production and glass.

Corrosion and deposition of cooling water based on API 571
It refers to general or localized corrosion of carbon steels and other metals caused by dissolved salts, gases, organic compounds, or microbiological activity.

Microbial corrosion based on API 571
Microbial corrosion is a type of corrosion caused by living organisms such as bacteria, algae, or fungi. This type of corrosion is often associated with tubercles or slimy organic materials.

Protecting the surface of metals
The affinity of some metals in a corrosive environment initially increases normally with increasing concentration of corrosive agents (oxidizing power of the solution), and metal corrosion is intensified, but at a certain concentration of corrosive agents, the corrosion rate suddenly decreases significantly and the metal loses its affinity and becomes inactive. The reason for the reduction in corrosion at a certain concentration of oxidizing components is the formation of a protective or inactive layer on the metal surface. The protective layer can be oxide, hydroxide or other compounds. This phenomenon is called rusting.

Dealing with corrosion in the well with corrosion inhibitors
Downhole corrosion is one of the most important problems facing the oil and gas industry. By using various methods such as selecting appropriate materials, surface coating, use of corrosion inhibitors and cathodic protection, the corrosion rate can be significantly reduced. A better understanding of corrosion mechanisms and the development of new technologies can help improve efficiency and reduce costs in this industry.

Industrial Mitreh (sediment remover and anti-corrosion)
Any system where temperature and water are the main elements for its operation inevitably requires the invention of Abrizan Company, called Industrial Mitreh, because wherever there is temperature and water, the formation of sediment is inevitable, unless a substance is used that suspends these sediments. This is the main function of an excellent anti-sediment solution.

The effect of various factors on metal corrosion
The set of factors affecting metal corrosion can be divided into two main categories: environmental factors and intrinsic factors of the metal.

Types of metal corrosion and its classification criteria
The incidence of each type of metal corrosion varies, and the importance of each type will vary across systems and environments. On the other hand, there are striking similarities in the distribution of corrosion damage across similar industries, and by comparing them, it can be seen that corrosion problems in similar industries are very similar.

Proper corrosion management
In general, it can be said that the corrosion process will never stop, but it can be controlled to a large extent by implementing a corrosion management program. In fact, by implementing corrosion management, organizations can proactively plan to improve the way they design, operate, and maintain their critical assets, thereby reducing the cost of controlling damage and unexpected failures caused by corrosion.

Corrosion in various industries
Corrosion is a phenomenon that occurs in most environments, so no industry can be safe from the costs of corrosion. For example, the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, factories and heavy manufacturing industries (iron smelting, steelmaking, etc.), transportation, water and wastewater, are among the industries that are severely affected by this phenomenon. This section attempts to briefly examine corrosion in several important industries.

History of corrosion and scientific approach to corrosion
The destructive phenomenon of corrosion has a very long history, and mankind has always dealt with the problems caused by it, but scientific approach and study in this field do not have much history. In the middle of the 18th century, the phenomenon of corrosion was noticed, but no solution was presented to solve the problems caused by it.

Corrosion measurement units
In general, to facilitate the study of corrosion problems and to compare different metals with each other, the best method is to express the speed or rate of the corrosion reaction. Corrosion measurement units are used to express corrosion rates.