Membrane detergents and chemical washing in reverse osmosis systems
Membrane detergents play a key role in maintaining the performance and extending the life of reverse osmosis membranes. This article examines the factors that cause membrane fouling, the types of detergents used to remove these foulings, washing methods, and important points in the selection and use of these materials.

Introduction and application of antiscalants
Antiscalants are chemical compounds designed to prevent scale formation in water systems. By preventing scale formation on surfaces, these compounds can increase operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs in industrial water treatment, oil and gas extraction, and desalination processes.

Preliminary water treatment for optimal use of membrane in reverse osmosis
Preliminary treatment is performed to optimize the use of membranes and increase membrane operating time. During this operation, water is prepared to pass through the membrane.

Household water purifier
This device uses reverse osmosis to remove about 95 to 99 percent of the chemicals and salts in the water and is easily installed under the sink with a separate drinking water tap. The water filter only removes large particles and impurities in the water, such as mud, sand, and rust from pipes, while reverse osmosis, by using a semi-permeable membrane, not only removes particles mixed in the water, but also all chemicals and microbial, viral, and other contaminants dissolved in the water.

What is reverse osmosis and natural osmosis?
Osmosis is the movement of a solvent from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution through a semipermeable membrane. Reverse osmosis is a widely used separation technique with a variety of applications. Desalination of seawater and separation of organic and toxic substances from industrial wastewater are two important applications of this technology.

Effective use of water resources in the steel industry
The steel industry uses large amounts of water. However, very little is consumed, as most of the water is reused or returned to the source. Water is used not only in cooling operations, but also in other processes such as scale removal and dust cleaning.

Methods of measuring solids dissolved in water
TDS stands for total dissolved solids, which is the sum of the concentrations of all ions in water. Dissolved substances in water may be “organic” or “inorganic” in nature. Total dissolved solids (TDS) cannot be considered the main criterion for determining water quality and is more a measure of the degree of clarity of water.

Purification of feed water for industrial boilers and power plants
In the boiler industry, high purity feedwater is essential to ensure proper operation of steam generation systems. High purity water reduces the use of boiler chemicals due to the frequent reduction in blowdown output required (reduction of blowdown frequency by up to 10 times).